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9/16/24 What if a lemon made a website?

When I say I'm bad with computers, I mean the back end stuff. My skills perfectly match my use case- I have never had a use for more complicated tech skills. I'm not some old man who doesn't know how to google, but when it comes to %appdata% and sorting through files and doing fancy stuff, I have to run to my girlfriend and ask her for a step by step guide. However, I am smart. I don't say that as some weird internet brag, I mean I can learn new things- even if I don't always believe in myself. After talking to my girlfriend about making a website, and looking around neocities, I said maybee I would give it a try. So, I set out to start learning. Luckily, these websites aren't written in a code I knew anything about- C++ and Python and all those still seem really scary! Thats the stuff for a computer science class, not for me to learn on my own. Html however, is shiny and new. With the help of an online guide (that you can find a link to here ) I started my journey. It started out well, but I quickly had to set some rules for myself. First, and most important, no coding after 10 pm. I found myself getting frustrated and on the verge of giving up several times, usually at 11:30 pm. Writing code feels like trying to untangle a string of led lights. There is no way I can do it when it's dark, I'm tired, and nothing seems to be going my way. The other rule I had to set was to swallow my pride and ask for help if I needed it. One issue with a lot of online resources, is that they tend to assume familiarity with coding and computers. Certain concepts take a little bit to understand, and most of the guides skip over the explanation part of that. Luckily, I have easy access to a wealth of nerdy website developers, who I can ask to help me troubleshoot, or just vent my frustrations to. Slowly, I tried out various layouts and aspects of website building, and started putting this website together. As you can probably tell, I wanted a notebook paper and sticky note vibe. One thing about me is that I am a biig bullet journaling fan. I lean into the artsy layout side of things, and my bullet journaling spirit could not be squashed even in online design. While looking through other people's neocities sites, I noticed so many people have a technology type theme to their websites! I think this is really cute to be honest, there are so many computer nerds making their personal websites so obviously they would theme their sites after old versions of windows and all that. The "old web" nostalgia has y'all in a strong grip. I like it though, it's very charming. However, I have no nostalgia for the old web, so I wanted to things a bit differently. I am still struggling with getting the formatting exactly how I want it, and I will continue tweaking things, however, I am very proud to have this website mostly up and running.